We've got TWO Den Meetings in November prior to the Pack Meeting!
The first Den Meeting is this coming Monday, November 2. We will be learning how to conduct a Flag Ceremony and practicing the ceremony several times. Den 11 is in charge of the Flag Ceremony for the November Pack Meeting!!! By participating in a Flag Ceremony, your Scout can complete Achievement 4f.
The second Den Meeting is on Monday, November 16. We will complete Achievement 7, Law Enforcement is a Big Job. The City of Mesa Police Department's Chief DNA Criminologist, Kim Fiorucci, will be visiting our Den. We will set up a crime scene with planted evidence (and probably a chalk outline) and our special guest will explain how she looks for DNA and other types of evidence at a crime scene. Our Scouts will then put on their latex gloves and go searching for evidence! Our guest will also run some DNA experiments on Horse blood and the boys will be able to put their fingerprints in their Bear books. This will be a really fun night.
Both Den Meetings will be at the church and start at 6:30 and end at 7:30.